
Spinout versus spinoff: What's the difference?

When I talk to entrepreneurs and managers, there is much confusion about the difference between spinouts and spinoffs. This confusion is due to the ambiguous use of these terms both in practice and academia. Although there exist many opinions about the differences between spinouts and spinoffs, I will focus here on the authority behind a spinout or spinoff. Spinoffs (often called "corporate spinoffs") are the outcome of a corporate decision making process. A parent company's managers decide to make a division or subsidiary of the corporation into a separate legal entity with different (albeit often overlapping) owners. Spinoffs are often used to increase corporate coherence and to give new ventures the independence they need to flourish. Spinoffs are a form of corporate restructuring decision that involves divestment. Owners of shares in the parent receive shares in the spinoff, which is a new legal entity with its own equity. The actual implementation of a spinoff may va...

Hoselitz theory of entrepreneurship

Burt F. Hoselitz was a professor of economics at the University of Chicago. Hoselitz argues that entrepreneurship tends to come from socially marginalized groups in a given society. This is very similar to the withdrawal of status respect theory and the misfit theory of entrepreneurship , which both deal with marginalized populations. Hoselitz assumes that entrepreneurship can only come out of a developed cultural base. Marginalized populations must be considered culturally developed in order to be considered eligible for entrepreneurship. He refers to entrepreneurship by marginalized groups as "pariah entrepreneurship". U.S. Coast Guard Photo Hoselitz claimed that his theory helps to explain to the highly entrepreneurial behaviors of Greeks and Jewish people in medieval Europe, Lebanese in West Africa, Chinese in Southeast Asia, and Indians in East Africa. The concept of cultural development is ambiguous and potentially problematic for Hoselitz' theory. The level of de...

Experiential learning theory of entrepreneurship

Learning involves the transformation of experience into potential knowledge, cognition, behaviors, and/or actions (Kolb, 1984). Experiential learning can be differentiated from rationalist (e.g., cognitive theories). Rather than emphasize the role of acquiring, manipulating, and recalling, experiential learning theory embraces subjective experience.  Subjective experience can be of many different types. However, the concept of 'know-how'  is useful here. Unlike knowledge, which is learned by language, know-how is acquired through experience, for instance, actually doing something in the real world, like taking an entrepreneurial action.  Building on Kolb’s experiential learning model, Corbett (2005) argues that entrepreneurship requires several different types of learning (convergent, assimilative, divergent, accommodative) at different stages of the entrepreneurial process (preparation, incubation, evaluation, elaboration, respectively). The theory perhaps helps to expl...

Prospect theory and entrepreneurship

Prospect theory was developed by behavioral economists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in the 1970s. Their aim was to better understand decision making processes by looking at how individuals assess the potential gains and losses from a decision separately. The most famous hypothesis tied to the theory is that most individuals fear losses more than they value gains. The theory posits that when individuals think they are winning (gain domain frame), they become more risk-averse, whereas when they think they are losing (loss domain frame), they become inclined to take bigger risks to get back to a break even position. According to Hsu et al. (2017): "So essentially, whether a person frames a situation as associated with gains or losses influences his or her attitude toward engaging in risky behaviors such as reentering entrepreneurship." A key tenet of the theory is that entrepreneurs judge whether they are in a gain or loss position based on a reference point. For instance...

Social entrepreneurship theory

The concept of social entrepreneurship is relatively new and may not be thought of as a theory. It is more like a domain or niche phenomenon that may deserve attention. According to Dees (2017), social entrepreneurship has largely emerged out of discontent with the performance of government and charitable organizations in tackling social problems. Governments are often underfunded, ineffective, and too political to do what is right for all. Charities are busy fighting for funds and justifying their existence and many successful such organizations use many of their donors funds for internal development purposes. If governments and charities would be more effective at tackling poverty, health issues, and inequality, then there would not be a need for social entrepreneurs to try to pick up the slack. This is also a core idea in the stakeholder theory of entrepreneurship . Social entrepreneurs bring market logic and business acumen to bear in combating social problems. They are change agen...

Cantillon theory of entrepreneurship

The word entrepreneur has been traced back to Richard Cantillon , an Irish banker with French roots writing in the early 1700s, before Adam Smith. Cantillon distinguished between entrepreneurs with nonfixed incomes and employees with fixed incomes. Cantillon considered the entrepreneurs as those who undertake to bear and overcome uncertainty by investing, paying expenses and hoping for a return. Cantillon viewed a wide slice of society as entrepreneurial because they bear uncertainty, including: "All the other entrepreneurs, like those who take charge of mines, theaters, buildings, the traders by sea and land, restaurateurs, pastry cooks, innkeepers, etc., as well as the entrepreneurs of their own labor who need no capital to establish themselves, like journeymen artisans, coppersmiths, seamstresses, chimney sweeps, water transporters, live with uncertainty and proportion themselves to their customers. Master craftsmen like shoemakers, tailors, carpenters, wigmakers, etc., who emp...

Real options theory of entrepreneurship

Real options theory is concerned with investments in real assets that are similar in structure to financial options like put and call options that allow investors to bet on the upside or downside of stocks without tying up too much capital (Bowman & Hurry, 1993) According to McGrath (1999), real options theory is supposed to be superior to net present value analysis and other time value calculations, especially under conditions of uncertainty. The fundamental idea behind real options theory is that an opportunity that has a way out is worth more that one that does not have a way out. For example, startups can be merged, one startup can be stripped of resources to help another, a team can be moved from one opportunity to another etc... Thus, entrepreneurs and investors in entrepreneurial ventures are apt to view failure as a learning opportunity that contributes to the assessment of future projects. Real options thinking reduces the social cost of failure and thus increases the ...